How to get over suicidal thoughts

How to get over suicidal thoughts 

suicide thoughts

" I'm told to stay strong , keep fighting ; but they don't understand ...I've already lost " 

Suicidal tendency is the result of overthinking.When we loose hope and think there is no way out for troubles.When negative thoughts dominant in our mind that causes deep depression.Suicidal thoughts will start to gain momentum when we feel like, we can't get out of this situation. Most of them simply get fed up with the uncontrollable thoughts and suffering it causes.

We are too much obsessed with our desires. So when we fail to achieve our desired results ,we get into the thoughts of worthless or moron. Temporary bad times or emotions are not the real means to take final decision about life. Situation may change after few days but you wouldn't be able to regain your precious life.

Following are the ways to get over suicidal thoughts

Ray of hope 

There is always light at the end of the tunnel .Don't loose hope. Any life problem is not permanent. Before taking extreme step just remind your loved one how they will live without you.

We lead our life or plan for future on the hope that we will live for longer years. Hope is the base of our life. Always believe that all the problems will be sorted at some point of time.

Don't make something core of your  life

Don't make one thing your life. Not having one thing doesn't mean that there is no meaning to life. We are giving too much of importance to things which will not last for long terms.

Success, fame or prestige all these things will fade away after some time. So don't make them core of your life. If you don't get desired results then change your action plan but don't have thought of ending life.

Stop overthinking

Overthinking about some failure or thoughts of future failure making life more vulnerable . Fear of failure is common everyone go through that phase of life. You will find it difficult to stop thinking about the life situation which is troubling you.

Don't get overwhelmed with feelings of failure. Don't think too much about outcome of future. There is always life even if you don't get desired success or fame. Try to divert the attention so that your thinking about the situation or trouble will get minimized.

You can't win always 

Accept with grace that there will be some times in our life we have to face failures. All successful person had gone through failure it's very common.

Don't wish to always win a game. Sometimes we have to learn from mistakes. Always wanting to win is making people too much obsessed about success. 

Understand true essence of life

Try to understand true meaning of life, what ever phase currently we are is just a life situation. Life is a journey we may find sometimes difficult paths on the way.

Accept what ever life throws a tumbling block, convert this tumbling block into stepping stones for better future. Learn from all life experiences.

Resilience to life troubles

Those who are resilient to problems they are real winners. So always face the difficult situations as a challenge. Make this challenge more happening by relentless efforts.

Those who face life problems with courage they never ever think of running away from them by ending life or finding escape route. Start to develop mental stability so that nothing could make you suffer any more in life.

Learn from past experiences

You might have overcome some difficult time in past, nature of problem would have been different but the way you tackled it will be helpful to face current scenario.

Whatever may be problem we always give too much importance at that point of time. After looking back in past we realize that how much of importance you had given to trifles.  

Faith in God & prayer 

If you don't find a single way out then ultimate solution for such problems is surrender. Have faith in God and life Karma that everything will make sense at end.

Spirituality is the way of life where you can find peace of mind and better control over emotions. If you find it extremely unbearable, I would suggest you to find spiritual solution for it.

Act quickly 

Most of the troubles we keep on chewing so that they become surmountable. Getting trapped in negative thoughts or emotional pain makes pain & suffering more vulnerable.

Taking quick action on current trouble we can get over negative thoughts and emotions. Always think how you can get over this problem. Taking action generally require very little time. So instead of worrying and holding the problem take action you will get out of it.

Don't try to prove your worth to anyone 

You need not to prove your worth to anyone. We have this beautiful life and whatever the way we are. Always look for inner beauty.

We have too much social burden that if I failed how people will react ? will they respect me ? how can I live without fame? Remember this people will always point you out.

Success, fame or money is not the only means we live for. Rise above the mentality of desires. There are so many dimensions of life which are more prudent & fulfilling.

Patience till manifestation 

Everyone wants success overnight. No one is ready to bear failure for longer. Only patience will manifest all your desires at right time.

We want solution to all problem at blink of eyes. Young generation is so impatient but remember those success which we get instantly does not last longer.

Move - Exercise 

Only way to keep your stress level down is exercise till you get sweat. Jogging or cycling, swimming will help to release endorphins. During the time of depression we start gaining weight and our mental health impact badly on immunity.

By keeping yourself healthy you can reduce stress considerably. Meditation will help you to focus on positive thoughts in life . Practice meditation daily. Keeping your body healthy will give you confidence to fight against the ongoing thoughts.

Share grief & pain

 "I choked on the words I never said & drowned in the thoughts I never shared " 

Depressed person keeps on thinking on negative outcomes. If you are alone then intensity of thoughts rises considerably. Always share your grief or pain with closed one's.

Sharing will reduce burden and you will feel relaxed. For few moments you subside thoughts so your mind is free from thoughts you feel better.

Final Thoughts to remember

" No . I believe God is managing affairs & that he doesn't need any advice from me , with God in charge , I believe that everything will workout for the best in the end . So what  is there to worry about " _ Henry Ford 

For temporary problems don't end your life permanently. Remember that life is very precious don't waste it by ending for trivial issues. Don't take life current problems too much seriously. 

Leap of faith in all bad  situation will give you courage to keep fighting. Believe in yourself. You will definitely overcome this situation.

Understand impermanence of life problems, time is the solution for all the problem so have patience till you get desired results. Learn from successful people how they overcame failures.

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23 October 2020 at 05:48 ×

Life is precious , don't waste it

Congrats bro Pind you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

If you have any doubts, please let me know ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon
